Thursday, March 22, 2012

Star Trek Encyclopedia

This new version of the Star Trek Encyclopedia is a reissue of the 1997 edition plus a 128-page supplement of additional material that updates Deep Space Nine to the end of its run and Voyager to midway through season five. It also covers the movie Star Trek: Insurrection. The supplement is as meticulously detailed as the rest of the volume, listing such fascinating trivia as chadre kab (Seven of Nine's first meal), "Kahless and Lukara" (a Klingon opera) and voraxna (a Cardassian poison), as well as all the new characters and species. Appendices include illustrations of starships, cast and crew listings, a historical timeline and a bibliography. All photographs and illustrations (except a few historical shots) are in colour. The encyclopedia was devisedin part to help production staff on the various Star Trek TV series keep up with the ever-increasing level of detail generated by over more than 30 years of creative effort. It is an excellent reference volume and, whether you want to settle an argument or write a novel, this book will answer your questions. But beware: The extensive cross-referencing leads to curious time-distortion effects, in which the unwary reader, dipping in to settle a single query, encounters an irresistible urge to browse further, during which hours of normal time can pass in the wink of aneye. --Elizabeth Sourbut

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